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Weekly wisdom and motivation from the world’s first graphic novel for self-help, mental health, overcoming obstacles, and self improvement.
The contemporary world, as seen through the eyes of a Contemporary Idiot. (i.e., a playground/dump for my thoughts, so mostly nonsense)
Told in three installments per week, KINGSPORT goes past the well-manicured hedges and gated estates of Kingsport, Connecticut and into the private lives of these wealthy families.
A soap opera, in an email: serialised fiction you can read in 3 minutes, 3 times per week
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Bram Stoker’s Dracula is an epistolary novel - it’s made up of letters, diaries, telegrams, newspaper clippings - and every part of it has a date. The whole story happens between May 3 and November 10. So: Dracula Daily will post a free email newsletter each day that something happens to the characters, in the same timeline that it happens to them. Now you can read the book via email, in small digestible chunks - in real time as it happens to the characters.
A video games weekly recap that helps you to stay updated and sane. Just news that really matters, shot to you every Saturday in bullet time.
Totally serious tech news presented in a not-so-serious way, in your inbox every Monday.
The GIST is a female-founded sports newsletter that gives you 'the gist' of what's happening in the sports world every Monday and Thursday in an easily digestible and entertaining five-minute read.The GIST's larger mission is to create an inclusive space for all sports fans while challenging the male-dominated industry. The company is female-led, and it aims to center women’s voices in the creation of sports content.
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Stay in the know on all things Nintendo Switch and get a no-noise email roundup of all the must read Nintendo news and upcoming games, every Sunday.