Tech Newsletters

Get access to my free AI Product Management learning repository, a curated list covering all aspects of AIPM. If companies were more knowledgeable about AIPM their AI initiatives wouldn’t fail so often.
Bold takes on data, AI, cloud computing, coding, and startups. Straightforward insights on tech trends. Expect controversy, strong opinions, bad jokes, and no sugar-coating.
VoltJots delivers the latest electronics and microcontroller news, tips, tutorials, and projects right to your inbox!
Stay ahead in FinOps. FinOps Weekly delivers the latest news regarding FinOps (DevOps + Finance) every Sunday. Learn from top companies' case studies, tutorials, and the latest moves and announcements from cloud providers to reduce your cloud bill. All are curated by a team of experts!
Free weekly cybersecurity news, simple and easy to understand. Always 5 minutes or less.
SaaS Alley Cat is your guide to the world of SaaS. I share insights on the best tools available, from fintech and productivity solutions to groundbreaking AI advancements. I also provide in-depth reviews, focusing on their user-centric design and functionality, so you can make informed decisions before investing your resources.
A blog for the DIY and maker community with subjects such as 3d printing, home automation, and interesting tech and gadgets.
why (tech) billionaires should be burnt like witches
Stay ahead of the curve! Newsletter for the singularity. The tech that will change humanity forever, including AI, Extended Reality (AR, VR, Mixed Reality), Robotics, Haptics, HCI.
Explore the universe of ideas with Technicity! 🚀 Dive into my blog covering topics from space exploration 🌌, global economy 💼, sustainability 🌱, cybersecurity 🔐, tech innovations 🌐, and health & wellness 🏥. Subscribe to our daily newsletter for a curated blend of insights.
A 3D printing news daily digest for hobbyists, industry folks, and more! We love to share all the news around the 3D printing community.
La newsletter che parla di evoluzione e tecnologie digitali nel mondo del restauro e della conservazione.
SMMRY is a newsletter with links and SMMRYs of the week's best stories in tech 📱, AI 🤖, business 💼 and science 🚀!
Subscribe to the newsletter to receive the best most upvoted websites, each week. Or submit one. Free or paid, the rule is that it has to “stand-alone”. It generally cannot be a landing page or some website that doesn’t do anything but promote something else.
Exploring the frontier of medical AI, one research summary per week.