Finance Newsletters

The STR Investor newsletter is a weekly email roundup of short-term rental investment properties available for sale now across the U.S.
Endless hours of daily research about stocks, investing, IPOs, and a lot of other topics in an easy-to-read weekly letter. Every Monday in your Inbox - for FREE!
Become a smarter investor in just 3 minutes.
Financial advice that doesn't suck
With 10 years of direct experience in the crypto space and Sequoia Capital, I provide fundamental analysis to help you think clearly about value-based blockchain investment.
Asian stock ideas for professional investors
Amanda Kellner Klein is not an expert in high finance. She is, among other things, personally obsessed with the Financial Independence (FI) movement, and is on an imperfect but committed path to building 25x her expenses in income-producing assets. She doesn’t think serving women accessible financial independence resources will change the world on its own, but if we make FI information available to and interesting for women… it can’t hurt in taking action towards equity. And, if a few more women break free from the paycheck cycle to do values-based work… well, she thinks we all may be better for it. The one thing AKK is an expert at is researching. (Seriously.) If there’s a FI article, book or podcast, she has probably read, listened to or notated it — you can dig into her findings in the FI News(letter), where we serve women the resources to reach financial independence.
Cutt pulls real actionable trading data from the noise of Reddit, Twitter and other social media platforms.
Making investment research fun, digestible, not boring.
An investor newsletter about the future of money
A newsletter about money and the economy for people who don't have any shortcuts.
Exit the Matrix with Bitcoin, fintech research, investment analysis, plus market recaps & insights — delivered to your inbox, weekly
An email newsletter analyzing current events in the intersection between the businesses fighting (and enabling) financial crime, the criminals, and the government.
The world is changing, America is changing, and no one has time to keep up with the preposterous, predatory, and prolific amount of financially significant world events. In this newsletter, I aim to cut the fat and chew on the meat of macroeconomic events that may affect the US stock market. I hope to expedite your understanding of global and domestic events, catalyze you into swift, wealth-creating action, and hopefully inspire a laugh or two. My stork of a newsletter will drop a fresh baby of relevant events, insights, and investing advice into your inbox once a week, sometimes more. Subscribe to follow along!
Unique investment ideas worth exploring. There's a million newsletters about stocks, real estate and venture capital. This is about the wide world of options that don't get talked about as much - with a focus on digital properties, websites and micro-businesses.