Crypto Newsletters

The Bitcoin Curve was started as a means to explore how bitcoins’ principles could scale beyond money. While bitcoin continues to grow from strength to strength in money, we cannot be complacent and ride this one and only wave but start the ripples in other industries that in time will turn into their own waves.
In-depth research on the various cryptocurrencies, blockchains and web 3.0 startups.
Are you looking for a crypto developer job? We send an email every Sunday with personally curated job offers for blockchain developers, Solidity developers, Ethereum/EVM developers, Solana developers, crypto developers, Rust developers, and more! With CryptoDevJobs, you’ll find great offers from the best companies in crypto for free.
Bitcoin Breakdown is a carefully curated newsletter from a Bitcoin maximalist perspective sent out twice a week on Mondays and Fridays with memes, links and TLDR summaries of the most interesting recent stories and developments in the Bitcoin landscape.
Each week I spend 20 hours looking at bitcoin news. Each Sunday I share what I learned in a 3 minute email. As part of my job in the bitcoin industry, I spend lots of time looking at clickbait all-caps headlines with no sources headlines. I write his newsletter, so you don’t have to :) I know your time is scarce, so I keep my emails short, sweet, and to the point. No fluff, pure signal. Oh, and apparently, they’re pretty funny too. “I laughed out loud at least three times.” ☝️This is how my newsletter has been described See you next Sunday, Arsen